Reinforced concrete elements

1 Reinforced concrete piles, section – 0,30, 0,35, 0,40 m; length of 6-14 m BS 8498:1971
Reinforced concrete pilots,
BS EN 13369:2006
General rules for finished products made of concrete, Technical specification of  customer
For foundations of buildings and structures in weak soils
2 Reinforced concrete beams BS EN 13369:2013
General rules for finished products made of concrete,
Technical specification of  customer
For building bridges, structures of buildings and facilities and others
3 Reinforced concrete columns BS EN 13369:2013
General rules for finished products made of concrete,
Technical specification of  customer
For building structures of buildings and facilities and others
4 Reinforced concrete pipes – F 200 cm,F 150 cm, F 100 cm, F 50 cm and covers for pipes BS 1462-87
Pipes round concrete for road and railway culverts,,
BS EN 13369:2013
General rules for finished products made of concrete,
Technical specification of  customer
For making railway culverts, construction of wells and others
5 Reinforced concrete foundation FITCH 2 and anchor KIA BS EN 13369:2013
General rules for finished products made of concrete,
Drawings Institute of Research and Design Transproekt
Installation of reinforced  concrete poles for electrification, foundation and anchoring.
6 Reinforced concrete ditches and covers for ditches  (Heavy ditch element 200/50; Heavy ditch element 200/30) BS EN 13369:2013
General rules for finished products made of concrete,
Technical specification of  customer
For drainage of surface water
7 Reinforced concrete wall separator BS EN 13369:2013
General rules for finished products made of concrete
For building open warehouses
8 Reinforced concrete elements for lining trenches  (Lining element 1,5/1,00) BS EN 13369:2013
General rules for finished products made of concrete,
Technical specification of  customer
For drainage of surface rain water from areas of the roadway and shoulder.
9 Reinforced concrete road element BS EN 13369:2013
General rules for finished products made of concrete,
Technical specification of  customer
10 Reinforced concrete elements for railway construction BS EN 13369:2013
General rules for finished products made of concrete,
Technical specification of  customer
For building supporting infrastructure in the construction of railways, railway crossings, pedestrian crossings, remote, miles signs
11 Pan-formed elements cradle-formed element and roof panels for them BS EN 13369:2013
General rules for finished products made of concrete
For the construction of underground channels
12 Reinforced concrete poles and bars BS 10858,
BS EN 13369:2013
General rules for finished products made of concrete
For vineyards, palmetto trees, protective fences for motorways and others.
13 Reinforced concrete gutter 50/50/5 (type “Italian”) BS EN 13369:2013
General rules for finished products made of concrete
For drainage of surface water
14 Reinforced concrete curbs and tiles BS EN 13369:2013
General rules for finished products made of concrete
For forming streets, buildings, etc.
15 Reinforced concrete shafts and grates BS EN 13369:2013
General rules for finished products made of concrete
For plumbing and other shafts
16 Reinforced concrete parking elements BS EN 13369:2013
General rules for finished products made of concrete
For construction of parking areas, for strengthening of earth embankments against erosion, for strip approaches to garages, construction of fences and others.
17 Reinforced concrete elements for industrial fences BS EN 13369:2013 General rules for finished products made of concrete  For building solid fences of industrial and other facilities